Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My triumphant and resigned return to blogging

I recently contributed this to an online discussion board, and it seemed an appropriate platform for my re-entrance into the world of blog. Hope you're ready for an onslaught of SONIA!! stay tuned for more of my feelingzz...

in response to an article about setting out to accomplish your dreams...

Why do dream stories always begin with the working class father and mother who dream of riches, success, and fame for their children? Oh right, America.

Not to be overly cynical, but I feel right now that at this point in my life, I'm kind of over dreams. I'm a senior now, and all I get is, "So what are you gonna do when you graduate?!" or "Tell me about your goals!" Like, enough. I have infinite envy at this point for drifters, hitch hikers, and traveling sideshow men at this point. Individuals that are free from the responsibility of rent, utilities, medical insurance, relationships, completely immersed in the present. And all the while I fantasize about their freedom, I know I could never, ever live like that, so absolutely unguided and spontaneous. I need structure, rules, commitments. I'm well on my way to my own American success story: daughter of a self-employed carpenter and public high school teacher from a small, rural upstate NY town travels to the big city for college and a bright future. So far so good. So long as I'm happy. Fulfilled. There's a dream. Why can't we seem to think that simply anymore?