Sunday, January 18, 2009

Poison Sumac

Last Saturday, we kind of had a snowstorm in the Northeast. And I was kind of driving home from my girl alex's in fishkill. I had made it back through 4 hours of worsening roads, when, about 4 miles from home, I lost my rear wheels. Of course. Luckily, no one was on the road when it happened, because I did a significant radius of sliding before pummeling straight into a bunch of sumac. The thing about where I live, is people ALWAYS stop to see what happened (I still haven't decided if it's because they are truly concerned, or if they just love a crisis). A friendly stranger drove me home, and my dad and I dug my car out the following day when the snow had stopped. Lesson learned? slow the f#$K down Sonia, and sometimes it is okay to accept rides from strangers. Enjoy the damages below!!

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